Fly Geek Custom Flies


Hackers Suck

Matt BennettComment

As you can plainly see, things are looking a bit differently around here lately.

Late last week my Wordpress site was compromised.  I do have a backup of it, but whoever decided to get their jollies by messing with my site did a damn good job, and there’s not much left that is usable.

So, I’ve been rolling around a redesign in my head for a while, so now is as good of time as any to get it cranked out.  I’ve had the site up for almost six months now.  When I started this, I wasn’t really sure where I wanted it to go.  I have somewhat of a better idea now.  I decided to move over to Tumblr as it’s a bit easier to work with.  I got in my own way messing around with Wordpress — I’m not a techie guy, and Tumblr is simple and les me do what I want to do.

I’m working with a buddy to get a sweet logo mocked up and probably will make a few other changes to the layout, but I’m fairly happy with the color scheme and basic layout at this point.

I’ll be attempting to get some of my favorite posts back up, and I’ll probably let some just drift off into the ether.  Some of it was junk anyway.  Look for more ramblings and crappy photos soon!

Thanks for reading.  Back to our regularly-scheduled program!